1. Welcome

Statement from Jennifer Hammond, NOAA Teacher at Sea Director

Over the last year, our team partnered with Healing Equity United, an expert in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), to evaluate the NOAA Teacher at Sea application process. This analysis included exploring the  diversity amongst our participants and identifying ways we could ensure our community is more inclusive. As part of this undertaking, our team participated in bias training offered by HEU. After we completed the training, we agreed we should incorporate an abbreviated version of their training into our application review process.

In addition to this online bias training, we are offering an optional opportunity for you to take a deeper dive into this topic through an additional live, virtual training conducted by HEU. In recognition of your time, you will receive a certificate of completion for each training session you attend.

Another way to demonstrate our commitment to DEI principles was to write, publish, and commit to the statement listed below. This captures why we believe it is important to take this first step and adjust our application review process. It also highlights the positive outcomes we hope to achieve for our current and future community. 

We are grateful to you for reviewing applications and appreciate you helping us expand this amazing community.


Jennifer Hammond

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducts research at sea to better understand our ocean, coasts, and climate. Knowledge gained from these studies helps our nation conserve our marine resources, improve navigation and safety at sea, and predict future conditions. A key pillar of NOAA’s mission involves sharing this knowledge with others. NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program is a small, but impactful, way of serving that mission.

As a public service, funded by public resources, NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program belongs to all Americans. We believe the teachers who participate in our program, and the students they inspire, should reflect the vast diversity of our nation. We want teachers who consider applying to our program to be able to see themselves living on a research vessel at sea, participating in NOAA’s science, and learning about career possibilities for their students. To these ends, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are principles we value highly.

Our commitment to upholding DEI principles includes working to ensure that participants in our program:

  • Feel welcomed and informed as they prepare for their “at sea” experience.
  • Have positive experiences living and working at sea.
  • Find community among the personnel sailing on their ships, making meaningful connections.
  • Feel empowered and equipped to complete the program requirements when they return home.
  • Become part of a welcoming alumni network who have shared experiences and connections.

Finally, along with NOAA, we actively work to create an environment in which harassment is not tolerated and discrimination based on any of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s protected classes is firmly condemned. We acknowledge that there is still progress to be made, and we are committed to continuing on this journey toward inclusivity and equality.