Build a basic frame for an ROV. You can try as many designs as you like! Use the pipe cleaners that came in your Welcome Kit or any other materials you like. Suggestion:… [Read more]
Review the NOAA Ocean Exploration lesson page below for some fun activities on pressure and density. These are great resources use with your students!… [Read more]
Required: In the Underwater Robotics textbook, read: Chapter 6 (pages 247-298) Chapter 7 (pages 300-308) Answer one or more of the discussion questions below in the DISCUSSION BOX below by Sunday, May 18th.… [Read more]
Required: In the Underwater Robotics textbook, read: Chapter 6 (pages 247-298) Chapter 7 (pages 300-308) Answer one or more of the discussion questions below in the DISCUSSION BOX below by January 15th. Respond… [Read more]
Join us as we chat with Ella Ashford and Vanessa Huerta, two college students who have been involved in underwater robotics and the MATE ROV competition for many… [Read more]
Review the NOAA Ocean Exploration lesson page below for some fun activities on pressure and density. These are great resources use with your students!… [Read more]
You will be designing a basic frame for an ROV and building it out of the pipe cleaners provided in your Welcome Kit. You can try as many designs as you like! Suggestion: Try… [Read more]