In the Underwater Robotics textbook, read: Chapter 2 (pages 62-118) Chapter 10 (pages 545-556) Answer the discussion question below in PADLET. Due November 23 Respond to others' comments in PADLET. Due November… [Read more]
Join us in a discussion with ROV pilots Dr. Brennan Phillips, Dr. Gabrielle Inglis, and Dr. Jessica Sandoval as they share their experiences and research.… [Read more]
Get ready to show off your robotic arms! You'll be sharing your creations at the meeting, and then we'll have a friendly competition where you… [Read more]
In the Underwater Robotics textbook, read: Chapter 1 (pages 3-59) Chapter 2 (section 2.5 only, pages 75-83) Answer the discussion questions above in the DISCUSSION BOX below. Due October 23rd Respond to… [Read more]
Task: You are designing a robotic arm to pick up objects. Using materials around the house, your classroom, and a few items provided in your welcome kits (optional), design your own robotic arm. Design your arm to… [Read more]
Students in Port Townsend, WA discovered derelict crab pots polluting their local waters. To combat this problem, they designed an ROV to pick… [Read more]
M8R-SIM Challenge
4 Aug, 2022
Go to the "Materials" tab and download the M8-R SIM game to your computer (or try out the online beta version). Watch the video tutorial to learn how to control your ROV. Try… [Read more]
Required (DUE: Dec. 31st): Head to each topic in the lesson content section below to complete the assignments within this lesson. Complete… [Read more]
Underwater Robots and ROV Systems Agenda and Virtual Meeting
21 Dec, 2021
Attend the virtual meeting. If you cannot attend, email Andrea in advance and watch the recording that will be posted here… [Read more]
Coat Hanger ROV
10 Dec, 2021
For this activity, you will be building your very own ROV. There are step-by-step instructions below and also a few activity sheets in the "Materials" tab. Use any of the resources you like to create your coat hanger… [Read more]