8. Virtual Meeting: Data logging and Micro:bits in the Classroom

In this final virtual meeting, we will discuss collecting data with a Micro:bit and activities you can… [Read more]

ROV Implementation Plan Discussion Meeting (optional)

Join us for a discussion about project implementation. We will brainstorm ideas and discuss options for ROV implementation. Please register using the link above. Can't make it?… [Read more]

ROV Implementation Agenda and Virtual Meeting

This month, the focus is on the integration of ROVs and marine technology into your curriculum. We will be joined by ROV expert Brennan Phillips from the University… [Read more]

DRAFT Intro Agenda and Virtual Meeting

Additional Zoom Meeting Information: Meeting ID: 878 0820 4664 Passcode: rove One tap mobile +17193594580,,87808204664#,,,,*797701# US +12532158782,,87808204664#,,,,*797701# US… [Read more]

Kick-off Agenda and Virtual Meeting

Attend the virtual meeting. If you cannot attend, email Andrea in advance… [Read more]