Dakota Feather, a sixth grader at Jay Middle School and student of TAS alumna 2011, Jenny Goldner, won first place for his artwork at the 2013 Tulsa Indian Art Festival in February. Dakota sold his artwork to a festival attendee. Congratulations Dakota!
Dakota is the illustrator for the ABC Shark Coloring Book that he and his classmates designed as a result of Ms. Goldner’s TAS experience aboard NOAA Ship Oregon II. NOAA scientists Trey Driggers and Kristin Hannan worked with Ms. Goldner and her class to edit and publish the coloring book. They later visited Jay Upper Elementary School in Jay, Oklahoma in May 2012 to talk with Ms. Goldner’s class and sign the coloring books.
NOAA Teacher at Sea is very proud of you Dakota and we hope that you continue your work as an illustrator!