NOAA Teacher at Sea Alumni Volunteer at NOAA Booth During the National Science Teachers Association Conference
10 NOAA Teacher at Sea Alumni (TASA) volunteered March 12 – March 14, 2015 at the NOAA booth during the National Science Teachers Association Conference in Chicago. TASA distributed NOAA education materials and demonstrated hands-on ocean activities. They informed science teachers and others about NOAA’s mission and service to the public, as well as showed NOAA’s impact on science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.
Angela Greene (2013) demonstrated a Great Lakes Invasive Species activity at the booth, and Steve Frantz (2012) shared a shark card game illustrated by his students. John Taylor-Lehman (2011), Debbie Campbell (2012) and Stacey Jambura (2011) participated in the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) Meet Me in the Middle Share-A-Thon where they had the opportunity to demonstrate hands-on activities to other middle level teachers. Thank you all for your time and commitment to the TAS Program!