NOAA Teacher of Sea Alumni Head to Nashville for the National Science Teachers Association Conference
The annual National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference: Empowering Performance was held in Nashville, Tennessee from March 31, 2016 – April 3, 2016. Several Teacher at Sea Alumni (TASA) came together to support NOAA’s Office of Education at the NOAA Booth during the conference. TASA informed the science teachers and others about NOAA’s mission and service to the public, as well as, showed NOAA’s impact on science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.
Megan O’Leary (TAS 2007), Stacey Klimkosky (TAS 2009), and Grace Simpkins, Project manager of the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center Outreach and Education on Protected Species Program, presented Teachers and NOAA Scientists: A Match Made at Sea. They spoke about the partnerships developed between NOAA scientists and Teacher at Sea alumni and shared activities including surface current drifters and their annual school event—NOAA Ocean Day.
Alex Eilers (TAS 2008) and Janelle Harrier-Wilson (TAS 2014), prepared activities for the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) National Middle Level Share-A-Thon. There were over 100 presenters who shared activities with educators from around the country. Alex shared a hands-on turtle classification and dichotomy key activity, and Janelle created an engineering boat design challenge.
Jennifer Hammond (Director of the Teacher at Sea Program), and Emily Susko (TAS Program Specialist), presented at the National Middle Level Meet Me in the Middle Day Round Table Conversations for Middle Level Educators. They shared information about the NOAA Teacher at Sea Program and answered participants’ questions about applying, requirements, and expectations.
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation sponsored a NOAA Teacher at Sea Alumni Meeting on April 1, 2016. TASA shared their at-sea experiences, program impacts, and activities. This was valuable time for alumni to meet each other and build connections.