Lindsay Knippenberg Receives Teacher of the Year Honor!
Congratulations to Lindsay Knippenberg (TAS 2011), for being selected as a 2016-2017 Teacher of the Year by Mooresville Graded School District. Ms. Knippenberg has 14 years of teaching experience and currently teaches Marine Science and Earth Science at Mooresville High School in North Carolina. She was recognized by the district for demonstrating outstanding teaching ability and strong leadership skills.
Prior to her research cruise aboard NOAA ship Oscar Dyson, Lindsay wrote the following in her blog: “I hope to show my students that you can challenge yourself and step outside of your comfort zone and get big rewards. I am very excited to join the crew aboard the Oscar Dyson to learn about the science that is conducted on board a NOAA vessel and the careers that are available to my students through NOAA.”
In 2014, Ms. Knippenberg started a Marine Science course at her high school. She needed 25 students to sign up for the course and ended up with 90! She shares her Teacher at Sea experience and her other teacher research experiences with her students through this course and as an active Teacher at Sea Alumna. Read more about Lindsay’s recognition here.