Yaara Crane (TAS 2013), Lindsay Zurawski, and Hassan Mims, all teachers from Annadale High School in Annandale, Virginia, led a week-long summer program in July for rising 11th graders. The program is inquiry-based and introduces students to new experiences… [Read more]
NOAA Teacher at Sea Alumni, Johanna Mendillo (2012), Anne Mortimer (2011), and NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) Midwater Assessment and Conservation Engineering (MACE) scientist, Darin Jones, were invited by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Museum to… [Read more]
Jillian Worssam (TAS 2004), an eighth-grade teacher at Sinagua Middle School in Flagstaff, Arizona, was invited by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation to be an OceansLIVE panelist in Washington D.C. during Capitol Hill Ocean Week on June 12, 2014.… [Read more]
Ellen O’Donnell (TAS 2012) flew in a NOAA Twin Otter with Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) aerial survey team, led by Tim Cole, on their North Atlantic Right Whale surveys in the Gulf of Maine on June 23 –… [Read more]
Steven Frantz (TAS, 2012) was aboard NOAA ship Oregon II’s 300th fishery and living marine resource missions during a shark longline survey in July 2012. During this research mission, Mr. Frantz learned about a variety of sharks and one… [Read more]
Britta Culbertson (TAS, 2013) participated in the 2014 Hurricane Awareness Tour on May 21 in New Orleans, LA and on May 22 in Tallahassee, FL. During the tour, NOAA’s Hurricane Hunter aircraft, a Lockheed WP-3D Orion, traveled to several… [Read more]
Artist Sydney Inouye beautifully painted, “The One Who Got Away” for the science crew of NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette. Sydney is a 2014 graduate of Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, HI and one of Suzanne Acord’s (TAS, 2014) former… [Read more]
Nearly 1,700 finalists from around the world competed at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May 2014 in Los Angeles, CA. Finalists qualify for Intel ISEF by participating in local, regional, state, or national fairs associated with Society… [Read more]
NOAA Corps Officers LT Madeleine Adler and LTJG Aaron Colohan visited Green Acres School in Rockville, MD on June 9, 2014. Fifth grade students in Elizabeth Bullock’s class constructed boats out of at least 50% recycled materials and raced… [Read more]
NOAA scientists from NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (NMFS PIFSC) visited Suzanne Acord’s (TAS, 2014) ninth grade students at Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, HI on May 15, 2014. The Chief Scientist, Dr. Don Kobayashi,… [Read more]